Presentations and statistics

EUCAST at ECCMID 2010 in Vienna

The EUCAST Workshop on implementation of EUCAST breakpoints in Europe.


MIC breakpoints – the reference for routine susceptibility testing methods

G. Kahlmeter (Växjö, SE)


Implementation of the EUCAST disk-diffusion method

D. Brown (Peterborough, UK)


Implementation of EUCAST breakpoints with automated systems

R. Cantón (Madrid, ES)


Supplementary tests – when routine methods are not enough

F. Tenover (Sunnyvale, US)


Expert rules in susceptibility testing

R. Leclercq (Caen, FR) 


Gradient tests on EUCAST media

G. Kahlmeter (Växjö, SE)


Symposium on low-level resistance


EUCAST ECOFFs and Low Level Resistance (symposium)

G Kahlmeter (Växjö, SE)


Pro/Con debate on whether or not ESBL-producing organisms with MIC-values below the breakpoints for 3rd gen cephalosporins can be categorized as susceptible.

Pro - John Turnidge

Con - David Livermore