Rationale documents and publications

EUCAST public consultations

Public consultation is part of the EUCAST decision process. The consultation period is 4 - 12 weeks, and the dates of the beginning and end of the period is clearly stated. Comments not entered into the designated document will not be considered (download form for comments).


Current public consultations (use this form for comments).


Upcoming public consultations:


  • Endocarditis breakpoints are under review - a consultation is planned for 2024.
  • Nocardiae spp - breakpoints and MIC/Zone diameter distributions and criteria. 
  • A version of the EUCAST dosing table relevant for children, is under preparation.
  • Each year EUCAST publishes a preliminary "next breakpoint table" to allow colleagues to help us find editorial errors and to familiarize themselves with the new table. This is some weeks before the publication of the new table on the 1st of January. It is not a consultation on changes in breakpoints or guiding “Notes”. These have been preceded by longer periods of consultation during the year.


Previous public consultations with comments and EUCAST responses:



Comments not entered into the designated document (Document for comments) will not be considered.