Aztreonam-avibactam and cefepime-enmetazobactam now available.
Aztreonam-avibactamhas now obtained regulatory approval and breakpoints from EMA and EUCAST for Enterobacterales.
These are S≤4, R>4 mg/L.Disk diffusion criteria and QC targets and ranges will be published shortly. There are no breakpoints for other species.
Cefepime-enmtazobactamhas now obtained regulatory approval breakpoints from EMA and EUCAST for Enterobacterales.
These are S≤4, R>4 mg/L.Disk diffusion criteria and QC targets and ranges will be published shortly. There are no breakpoints for other species.
The new agents will be part of the next EUCAST breakpoint table 15.0 (1st of January 2025). In the meantime we will soon publish an addendum for the two agents with information on disk contents (potencies), zone diameter correlates and QC criteria.