Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
A revised version of the guidance on "What to do when there are no breakpoints" published
Following frequent questions and pleas for further guidance, EUCAST has revised the document "What to do when there are no breakpoints". This is not the type of document where a consultation is part of the process....[more]
A new version of the breakpoint table (13.1) published. Additional agents for anaerobes.
The breakpoint tables have been updated from 13.0 (1 Jan, 2023) to 13.1 (29 June, 2023). This allows the AST of several additional agents for anaerobic bacteria. There is a matching update of QC tables. [more]
The EUCAST FAQ updated
EUCAST receives many questions. Most are dealt with as soon as they are submitted, and many are listed in a file which is regularly updated. The FAQ file was updated 2023-06-14. [more]
Updates to RAST breakpoint tables and QC
Breakpoints and QC for several species and agents have been updated for incubation beyond 8h. See breakpoint tables, calibration files and QC recommendations. [more]
Zone diameter distributions all curated
All EUCAST distributions of inhibition zone diameters have been curated via a new algorithm and software which automatically identifies wild type distributions, allocates ECOFFs and TECOFFs and reports confidence...[more]
RAST - breakpoints for additional agents now available!
Breakpoints for several additional agents have been added to the RAST breakpoint table and QC table. All development data has been made available, also for new agents. Visit the RAST website for more information. [more]
EUCAST General Committee meeting
The EUCAST annual General Committee meeting is open to anyone attending ECCMID. Minutes will eventually be posted. Minutes from the 2022 committee meeting in Lisbon 2022 are available. EUCAST Annual General Committee Meeting,...[more]