Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
EUCAST system for antimicrobial abbreviation.
A EUCAST model for systematic abbreviation of antimicrobial names is published.[more]
The ECOFF finder program is now available from the EUCAST website
The ECOFF finder program for the assessment of epidemiological cutoff values (ECOFFs) is now available from the EUCAST website.[more]
Warning against the use of Etest and MTS to confirm low level vancomycin resistance in Enterococci.
EUCAST together with the Norwegian Reference Laboratory issue a WARNINGagainst the use of Etest™ (bioMérieux) and MTS™ (Liofilchem) for vancomycin MIC determination in Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium with low-level...[more]
General Consultation on Dosing and modes of administration of antibacterial agents
General Consultation on Dosing and modes of administration of antibacterial agents. Comments before 15 September, 2018.[more]
One Health Antimicrobial Resistance (ICOHAR), Amsterdam 16-18 April. 2019
One Health Antimicrobial Resistance(ICOHAR), Amsterdam 16-18 April. 2019 [more]
Antifungal ASt - QC tables updated (v2.0)
The EUCAST Subcommittee on antifungal susceptibility testing has updated the QC tables.[more]
Disk diffusion correlates to MIC (broth microdilution) updated
All files showing the correlation between EUCAST disk diffusion and broth microdilution MIC values have been update. Files for Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Yersinia have been added. [more]