Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.

28 Jun 2021

EUCAST at ECCMID 2021. Programme.[more]

04 Jun 2021
The EUCAST FAQ updated.

EUCAST updates the FAQ at regular intervals. Mostly questions are added and in some cases replies are modified because of changes in breakpoints or recommendations.[more]

30 May 2021
Legionella AST - guidance updated

The EUCAST guidance document on susceptibility testing on L.pneumophila isupdated. Acquired antimicrobial resistance in L. pneumophila is rare [1-6]. However, a clinical isolate resistant to ciprofloxacin due to a single...[more]

27 May 2021
Curation of MIC database is fasttracked

The EUCAST Subcommittee on MIC and zone diameter distributions and ECOFFs, having redeveloped the software for uploading, handling and displaying MIC and zone distributions is now speedily curating existing MIC and zone diameter...[more]

12 May 2021
Daptomycin RD v 2.0 uploaded

The daptomycin rationale document has been updated to v 2.0.[more]

12 May 2021
MIC distribution database is being curated

Following the recent re-programming of the software for the display of MIC and inhibition zone diameter distributions, the database as such is being curated with the help of colleagues in EUCAST subcommittees for fungi,...[more]

04 May 2021
How to handle the EUCAST new S, I and R - sign up for webinar

UK-NEQAS webinar 12 May, 2021, 3.30 PM CET: Use the link below to sign up. How to handle the EUCAST new S, I and R definitions.[more]

Displaying results 29 to 35 out of 50
