Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
FAQ updated
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) has been updated withmore and in a few cases revisedquestions and answers.[more]
Recommendations for reference MIC-testing of colistin.
Recommendations for reference MIC-testing of colistin (polymyxin E) - a joint CLSI/EUCAST subcommittee on colistin MIC-testing and colistin breakpoints has finalised recommendations for MIC testing. [more]
Ukraine has formed a NAC
Ukraine has formed a national AST committee (UCAST) and joined the EUCAST. More information is available on the page presenting all NACs.[more]
All EUCAST activities during ECCMID 2016 in Amsterdam are summarized in one pagein the ECCMID program.[more]
EUCAST General Committee meeting
The EUCAST Annual General Committee Meeting for 2016 is held in Amsterdam (NL)duringECCMID 2016, Monday 11 April, 13.00 - 14.30, Room G109, RAI Amsterdam. The meeting is open and everyone with an interest is welcome....[more]
Maps and statistics from EQA programs updated.
The international implementation of EUCAST guidelines and standards is described in a number of maps and in statistics from the external quality control program, NEQAS. The information is obtained through questionnaires to EUCAST...[more]
Canada has formed a NAC
Canada has formed a NAC, CANCAST, to interact with EUCAST and other standards organisations in antimicrobial susceptibility testing.[more]