Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.

22 Jan 2014
SOP 7.0 Preparation and handling of EUCAST minutes (publ 2014-01-22)

SOP 7.0 published. Preparation and handling of EUCAST minutes (2014-01-22)[more]

28 Dec 2013
Pefloxacin disk test for screening.

Pefloxacin disk (5 µg)test to screen for low-level ciprofloxacin resistance in Salmonella spp. - standards for pefloxacin disk production and QC. [more]

28 Dec 2013
Breakpoint table v 4.0 released

EUCAST breakpoint table v 4.0 (valid from 2014-01-01)available. Breakpoints and methodology for Corynebacteria, new screen method for the detection of low-level ciprofloxacin resistance in Salmonella spa., improved guidance...[more]

21 Dec 2013
All validation files updated and new added.

All validation and calibration files updated 2013-12-20 and 4 new files were added.[more]

14 Dec 2013
The Spanish NAC, COESANT, presents itself

The COESANT, the Spanish NAC, presents itself and its website. Spain is currently and until May 2014, represented on the EUCAST Steering Committee. [more]

11 Dec 2013
Detection of resistance mechanisms v 1.0 published

The EUCAST guideline for detection of resistance mechanisms and specific resistances of clinical and/or public health importance v 1.0 is published 2013-12-11.[more]

24 Nov 2013
Spanish translations of antifungal susceptibility documents

The Spanish NAC (COESANT) has translated two documents on antifungal susceptibility testing (yeasts and moulds) to Spanish.[more]

Displaying results 505 to 511 out of 579
