Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
Consultation until 14 Sept 2012 on Campylobacter breakpoints
Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli - consultation on breakpoints and ECOFFs 3 August - 14 September, 2012. [more]
Consultation until 14 Sept 2012 on P.multocida breakpoints
P.multocida breakpoints - consultation on breakpoints and ECOFFs 3 August - 14 September, 2012. [more]
Media preparation v 2.0 - new German translation
The media preparation document v 2.0 contains new information compared to v 1.0. This is the German translation.[more]
Voriconazole and Aspergillus spp v 1.0 - rationale document now available
The rationale document for voriconazole on Aspergillus spp is now released after consultation.[more]
French translations of EUCAST documents
EUCAST methodological documents are available in English, German, Spanish and now also in French.[more]
Media preparation - update with broth for fastidious organisms
Updated EUCAST document on preparation of media for disk diffusion and broth microdilution (MH and MH-F plates and broth).[more]