Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
The 2024 breakpoint and QC tables available
The breakpoint tables, dosing tab, QC tables and manuals pertaining to disk diffusion updated. [more]
Colistin susceptibility testing
A few weeks ago, we informed EUCAST users, that the Warning against bioMerieux AST material for colistin, still stands. The item referred (by a link) to the EUCAST Warnings page where it was made clear exactly which material was...[more]
CMR publication on the use of wild type MIC distributions and ECOFFs
Wild-type distributions of minimum inhibitory concentrations and epidemiological cut-off values-laboratory and clinical utility. Gunnar Kahlmeter,John Turnidge. Clinical microbiological reviews, December...[more]
Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on iv use.
Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on intravenous use. [more]
Breakpoint table 14.0 (2024) available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023)
The EUCAST breakpoint table 14.0 (to be published on 1 January, 2024) is now available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023). Comments and questions should be addressed to erika.matuschek[at] or...[more]
Fosfomycin IV rationale document published
The fosfomycin IV rationale document is available from 2023-11-23. [more]
Comments and responses to consultations published
Comments and EUCAST responses to the open consultations on Brucella melitensis and Bacillus anthracis proposed breakpoints and methods are now published. [more]